Norway House Pharmacy Ltd. is located in Kistapinanihk Mall in Norway House Manitoba and provides comprehensive, accessible, and responsive pharmaceutical care and consultative services tailored to the community's health care needs.
Norway House Pharmacy's understanding of the local health care programs, networks and resources, allows us to effectively serve the needs of NHCN community members within their home community.
Norway House Pharmacy Ltd.'s mission is to provide locally available and personalized assistance and health care services to clients in Norway House.
We provide the following health care programs:
- diabetes care
- asthma management
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease management
- mental health management
- hypertension management
- smoking cessation
In addition to medication advice programs, the Norway House Pharmacy Ltd. also provides medication adherence (or compliance) support programs.
Norway House Pharmacy's goals are to:
- Become the go-to pharmacy for the NHCN community in Norway House.
- Provide advice, services, and products that improve clients' health outcomes
- Establish itself as a sustainable community pharmacy service